Outside in Autumn

A poem that Alex did that was based on general ideas they came up with in class

Outside in Autumn

I hear birds chirping above my head
I touch a tree (that will fall over I dread)
I see the swing go up high
As I look into the sky
I squint my eyes with all my might
Gosh, the sun is so bright
I hear brown and yellow leaves crunching
As I stomp on them
And it sounds like crunching to me
I see kids playing
I hear thud, thud, thud
Balls are hitting the wooden green wall
I sniff a rose bud
I see people on the playground
Hitting a ball on a pole
People are playing kickball on the grassy field
Tall people are playing baseball
“Cool let’s play”

One Reply to “Outside in Autumn”

  1. I think the poem is great. Nice the kids can work together to get to this point.
    I bet Alex had most of the ideas..lol

    Love to all

    Grandma Goad

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