Outside in Autumn

A poem that Alex did that was based on general ideas they came up with in class

Outside in Autumn

I hear birds chirping above my head
I touch a tree (that will fall over I dread)
I see the swing go up high
As I look into the sky
I squint my eyes with all my might
Gosh, the sun is so bright
I hear brown and yellow leaves crunching
As I stomp on them
And it sounds like crunching to me
I see kids playing
I hear thud, thud, thud
Balls are hitting the wooden green wall
I sniff a rose bud
I see people on the playground
Hitting a ball on a pole
People are playing kickball on the grassy field
Tall people are playing baseball
“Cool let’s play”

Videogame – a poem by Alex Brooking

Alex had to write an original poem by himself for class and did a great job. Here it is:


I hear my mother calling my name
So I can go get a new videogame
I follow my mom who drives me to the store
I found the videogame I wanted – “score” !
When I get home, I play the new game
Until I hear my dad calling my name
It’s time for dinner – the games real fun
But I’d rather stop playing
And have meatballs on a bun